Hi, I’m Angela.
I am an abstract expressionist painter based in Denver, Colorado. My work is about connection, reflection, and resilience. It's about finding freedom through expression, listening to our inner voice, and getting to the core of who we really are.
I explore these concepts through my daily painting practice and create commissions for those who have experienced grief or want to celebrate a milestone. My commissions are unique experiences and are tailored to you, the individual I work with.
“Your fierce support of my grief process has transformed so much of my pain and loneliness to joy and connection. You inspired me to feel deeply and to allow myself to believe that my daughter was and is still close to me.”
We need art, now more than ever.
As the world changes rapidly, life is becoming more chaotic. Even before the pandemic, it wasn't easy to keep up with the pace of change. It can all feel overwhelming. But there is peace to be found in art.
Art strengthens your resolve because it pays witness to your human experience. It helps you slow down and process, rather than deny your challenges. It grounds, heals, and reminds you of the grace in humanity.
“Foundation” 24” x 24” mixed media painting by Angela Craven sold
“When we express and record our stories, we create room for a fuller and more beautiful life. We can find connection, inner strength, and hope in even the darkest of times, and know that we’re never alone. ”
Come have a look into my process…
“Bright Side of the Road” 44” x 49” mixed media painting by Angela Craven available
“We all experience joy, triumph, challenge, and pain, and no part is easy to express. But, all of it longs to be seen, heard, and honored. ”
Angela Craven in her studio
“Painting expressive, abstract forms allows me another kind of communication beyond language. ”
“Orbit” 24” x 24” mixed media painting by Angela Craven available
“The color, marks, and movement of the paint allow me to express intangible emotions that don’t represent a specific visual. Much like your human experiences, you feel them first.”
Detail of “Bright Side of the Road” 44” x 49” mixed media painting by Angela Craven
“Each of my paintings begins with words, excerpts from books, notes I've made on small scraps of paper, and conversations.”
Angela Craven in the studio, preparing excerpts and notes.
Angela Craven’s studio table with mixed media, paint bottles and brushes.
“I use charcoal, oil sticks, and paint in pastry bags and bottles to write and create a foundation for each painting.”
“After I’ve built layers of text, I respond to the image intuitively with sprawling strokes of color, line, and repeating forms, layering more writing as I paint.”
“200 Grant” 24” x 24” mixed media painting by Angela Craven sold
“Sometimes conversations get lost, are illegible, or can overlap. I look at the words as composition and a dialogue between the painting and myself; letting go of any preconceived ideas, listening to what emerges, intuitively adding layers as I go.”
“My process results in art to live with that honors the beauty of your human experience.”
Making Space
My commissioned paintings have captured several stories ranging from remembrance to triumph, darkness to hope, struggle to ease, and all of the variations of those things between. Still, these paintings began for people who’ve been touched by grief through infertility or pregnancy infant loss.
Along with grief in general, these types of loss are rarely spoken about. I believe with all of my heart that the more we honor and make space for those who are grieving through listening, love, and acceptance, the healthier we all become.